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A one-of-a-kind bistro at 6 Upper Dickson Road in Little India, is a welcome refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city.
You are invited to take off your shoes, sit on the floor, and enjoy the restaurant's Indian cuisine.

Masterchef Kaesavan
Founder and mastermind of Lagnaa. A curry and chilli advocate who champanions Indian cuisine and dares to be different.

Curry Mummy Kumaarrie
Manager of Lagnaa and the energizer rabbit who will never say die. She cracks the rotan and get things done.

Friendly Santhi
Manager of Lagnaa and friend to EVERYONE! She gets high on human interactions and makes everyone feel like a teacher's pet.

Just Kristabel
Minon & Pimp of the Mastermind. Preparing Lagnaa for world domination with IOs. Steals food from the Master Chef all the time.
means "your essence" in Tamil

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